Electronic Frontiers Georgia
Current EFGA Alerts
- Repeal of Georgia Fingerprinting Law Georgia passed a law last year requiring fingerprinting to get a driver's license. This information is being shared and
sold. What you can do to repeal the law.
- Adobe, Claris, Travelling Software and SPA sue ISP's over users homepages, effectively curtailing free speech. A copyright Enforcement Summit is planned
to discuss issues of interest to all.
- EFGA's Lawsuit on HB1630: Georgia's Internet Police Law. We had out day in federal court, including an Internet demonstration. Now, we wait for the
Judges decision. The hearing on pseudonyms and web linking was heard on 2/12/97.
- Digital Signature Law. PGP type encryption soon becomes legal in Georgia for signing electronic documents. A problematic Utah type statute has been
replaced with a better model in the Georgia Senate.
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