Electronic Frontiers Georgia
Letters to Oppose License Fingerprinting

Scott Jones (scottmjones@mindspring.com)

I recently wrote my elected officials to express concerns about the new fingerprinting system in place at Georgia's driver's license offices. Below is my letter to Bobby Parham, Chairman of the House Motor Vehicles Committee. I also sent this letter to:

In addition, I sent a special version of the letter to Governor Zell Miller, who has threatened to veto any attempt to repeal the fingerprinting law.

If you share my concerns, I encourage you to write your own letter. See the EFGA Letter Writing Campaign page for more information. You should write letters in your own words, but feel free to use what I have written as a model for your own letters.

Here's what I wrote:

February 17, 1997

Hon. Bobby Parham
Chairman, House Motor Vehicles Committee
State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334

Dear Sir:

I am writing to oppose the current practice of fingerprinting citizens when they apply for or renew a Georgia Driver's License. I urge you to support the efforts underway to repeal this measure.

Many citizens resent being treated like common criminals just to get their license renewed. In addition, I believe the following concerns are very pressing:

Given all of the concerns cited above, I feel that outright repeal of the fingerprinting measure is the best option at this time. I look forward to hearing your opinion on this matter. Thank you for your consideration.


Scott M. Jones

cc: Members of the House Motor Vehicles Committee

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