"Electronic Frontiers": Where technology, politics, and online culture meet (and sometimes collide!).
Friday, August 29 - Monday, September 1, 2003
Director: Scott Jones (scott@aprr.org)
Our Purpose
The Electronic Frontiers Forums is a series of panels devoted to online
technology, politics, and culture. We cover pressing issues in online
media, including freedom of speech, privacy online, governance and
enforcement, new trends in technology, and the latest trends in online
culture. Please join us for our next presentation at
Location: All panels are in the Hyatt Regency, in the room noted.
Schedule for 2003:
Friday, August 29 | Saturday, August 30 | Sunday, August 31 | Monday, September 1 | |
10:00 AM | (Convention Closed) |
State Level Technology Laws: A Call to Local Activism This panel explores pending state-level technology and Internet legislation. We look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from our own state legislature, and explore what we can do at the local level. We will use Georgia as a case study, but many states are considering or have considered similar bills. Robert CostnerPeter H Friedman Room: Piedmont |
Quantum Computing Computing machines developed using principles of quantum level physics promise incredible advances in the fields of medicine, weather forecasting, encryption, and many other areas. It's barely in the vacuum tube stage, but holds immense promise for the future. Come learn about the next revolution in computer technology. Bob KlepferRoom: Piedmont |
Hacking 301 Many folks quietly drinking coffee. Very quietly. jonnyXRhia Drag0n Room: Piedmont |
11:30 AM | (Convention Closed) |
Spam-Fighting Superhero: Pete Wellborn Attorney Pete Wellborn covers the legal and practical aspects of fighting unsolicited bulk email (commercial or otherwise), including some recent spectacular victories in the courts, and coming anti-spam legislation. Pete WellbornRoom: Piedmont |
Internet Free Speech Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Kevin Bankston will talk about how the First Amendment applies to Internet speech after the Supreme Court's recent decisions regarding the Child Online Protection Act and the Children's Internet Protection Act, and the Child Pornography Protection Act. Kevin BankstonRoom: Piedmont |
Cryptography and Al Qaeda After 9/11/2001, Elonka Dunin, a prize-winning game developer and cryptographer, contacted various intelligence agencies to ask if she could help with the war on terrorism. Come join her in this session, as she shares some of the same information with the Dragon*Con crowd. Elonka will go over the truth and rumors about what kind of codes that Al Qaeda has been using, and also discuss some other cryptographic challenges, such as solving the codes on the Kryptos sculpture at CIA headquarters. Elonka DuninRoom: Piedmont |
1:00 PM |
Liberty and the Need for "Security": An Historical Perspective "A Moment in Time: Putting Computers, Freedom, and Privacy in Context". A prerecorded talk from the Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference, New York City, April, 2003, featuring Ira Glasser, Ed Tenner, and Dan Gillmor (moderator). Scott JonesRoom: Piedmont |
Government Surveillance in the 21st Century USA PATRIOT, FISA, CAPPS, TIA -- What do all these acronyms mean, and how may they affect your privacy? Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Kevin Bankston will lay it all out, surveying the law of electronic surveillance in the post-9/11 world. Kevin BankstonRoom: Piedmont |
Privacy Rights: Now and in the Future Privacy advocates claim that SPAM, identity theft, governmental monitoring, and now court orders seeking the identity of individuals uploading and downloading copyrighted material through file sharing technologies erode on- and off-line privacy rights more and more every day. However, some organizations and companies strongly believe in protection of intellectual property against those who would misuse such material, while others believe they can provide better service to customers and potential customers by gathering information and marketing in a targeted manner. Come and hear a panel of experts tell us where we are today, then where your rights might be tomorrow. Jim ButlerRobert Costner Les Seagraves Room: Piedmont |
Super DMCA: Activism Workshop Learn how to make a difference in your own state. We will study the technology control model bill being pushed by the movie industry in all 50 states, and strategies to fight it or limit its harmful effects. Robert CostnerScott Jones Room: Piedmont |
2:30 PM |
eCommerce, Taxes, and Online Gaming New laws are taking effect regarding the charging of sales tax for online game subscriptions. How's this all going to work? Are there things that can be done to minimize taxes, by picking strategic server locations? Come join CPA Peter H Friedman for a discussion of these and other eCommerce issues, especially as they relate to online games. Peter H Friedman CPARoom: Piedmont |
Are You Authorized?, Part II: David McOwen A local IT professional is charged with 7 felony counts and fined over $800,000 for... installing unauthorized screen savers. A classic example of unintended consequences from overbroad laws written during hysterical times. Builds on the "Are You Authorized?" panel from 2002. David McOwenRoom: Piedmont |
Internet Radio: Finally, A Radio Station That Does Not Suck Rampant media consolidation and the nature of the music industry have produced an unending string of bad radio programming from one end of the dial to the other. Internet Radio challenges this model and gives listeners a real choice. However, Internet Radio stations have had their own challenges, with burdensome license fees imposed by the recording industry. Hear how difficult, expensive, and worthwhile it can be to bring real choice to radio. Michael MonahanRoom: Piedmont |
Freenet Freenet is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entirely decentralized and publishers and consumers of information are anonymous. Learn more about what it is, how it works, and the implications of its use. John ColeRoom: Piedmont |
4:00 PM |
The a b g's of Wireless Networking Learn about the basics of wireless networking, including range, throughput, interoperability, and security pitfalls. James DeanRoom: Piedmont |
Net Libel and Other Misdeeds A cautionary tale. The model of trust in the online world is still fairly open. It doesn't take much for someone to drag your good name through the mud. Our panelists discuss one such story. Chase MastersonRandal L. Schwartz Room: Piedmont |
Network Security Basics Learn about security threats to the average home computer user, and how you can protect your system and home network. John E. MailenRoom: Piedmont |
Wrap-Up and Comments Give us your comments, questions, and ideas for next year. Now excuse me while I go take a nap. Scott JonesRoom: Piedmont |
5:30 PM |
Welcome to EverQuest: Information for Newbies and the Curious Everquest: You're in Our World Now. Learn a little about the world of Everquest. How to get started, what are guilds all about, what do GM's and Guides do anyway? Questions answered by panel and audience participation. Waylon AdamsTerri Perkins Dave Rickey Room: Piedmont |
Intellectual Property Protection for the Little Guy Intellectual property rights apply to everyone, not just large corporations. Learn about your legal rights and options for protecting your content on the Internet. Sam AltersitzRoom: Piedmont |
Silencing Their Critics Some corporations use their intellectual property rights to silence criticism about their products or to suppress the disclosure of potentially harmful flaws. Hear about one such case. Rockit DeadheadRoom: Piedmont | (Convention Closed) |
7:00 PM |
SCO v. IBM and the Threat to Free Software On March 7, 2003, the SCO Group filed suit against IBM for its use and promotion of the free operating system Linux, claiming misappropriation of trade secrets among other things. Is the future of free software at risk? Our speaker is an attorney with a leading technology-oriented law firm. Stephen CombsRoom: Piedmont |
Web Cam Girls Thanks to the advent of inexpensive web cameras, you can show just about anything you want to online and still remain anonymous. What better way to develop a fan base! Why would anyone let strangers view their private lives? Many cam sites are totally free. Explanations, observations, and experiences from this growing cultural phenomenon. MystrysBarDiva sohma g. dawling Tatsumi Kimiko Room: Regency V |
Bad Laws, Awful Consequences A survey of overbroad laws passed during the hysterical Internet "dark ages" (i.e. recently) and their unintended consequences. Randal L. SchwartzDavid McOwen Peter H Friedman Room: Piedmont | (Convention Closed) |
8:30 PM |
Copyright Wars: The Empires Strike Back Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Kevin Bankston will talk about the current status of the legal battles raging over fair use and personal copying on and off the Internet, in the courts and in Congress, focusing on the future of P2P file-sharing and the impact of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act on cultural and technological innovation. Kevin BankstonRoom: Piedmont |
Hacking 101 A repeat of the popular panel from previous years. Just what is a hacker anyway? Culture, history, contacts, resources, and pointers for more info. Dispelling the myths from the media and the courts. Brought to you by se2600.org jonny XJames Dean Drag0n Rhia Randal L. Schwartz John E. Mailen John Cole Patrick Burns Room: Regency V |
My So-Called LiveJournal (.com) LiveJournal.com is more than just a web site. It has quickly evolved into a major social phenomenon on the Internet. This will be an open roundtable for web diarists to discuss writing, the shock of having a fanbase, and interesting tales of journaling. Josh ThomasMystrys sohma g. dawling Ashley Blalock Room: Piedmont | (Convention Closed) |
10:00 PM |
Online Role Playing Games: Designer's Forum Come talk to the people behind such products as GemStone III, DragonRealms, Meridian 59, RetroMUD, and EverQuest about the unique challenges they have faced in developing and managing online games. Panelists come from a wide range of fields, to cover questions related to community management, online console titles, game design, and eCommerce. Elonka DuninNathan Hanish Brian Green Terri Perkins Mike Tresca Peter H Friedman Dave Rickey Jeremy Lee Room: Piedmont |
Webcomics: The Future of Comics? Meet the artists and learn about the emerging phenomenon of webcomics. Discover how webcomics are created and maintained, and the advantages and disadvantages over traditional publication. KittyhawkErin Lindsey Dave "The Knave" White Space Coyote Rob Balder Room: Piedmont |
Hacking 201 Q&A from our panel of experts. Play "stump the hacker", maybe you'll win a prize! Brought to you by se2600.org. jonny XJames Dean Drag0n Rhia Randal L. Schwartz John E. Mailen John Cole Patrick Burns Room: Piedmont |
(Convention Closed) |
11:30 PM |
Everquest: Secrets of the Game So you know a few things about Everquest, huh? Why not tell us about them, and maybe you'll hear a few too. We'll have active discussion of game secrets including how to make pp, where's the best place to hunt, what's the best quest? Everyone has something to add, from newbie to the most uber! Waylon AdamsTerri Perkins Dave Rickey Room: Piedmont |
Movie: Willful Infringement A documentary on the "productization" of popular culture and the stifling effects that current copyright laws have on creative expression, including derivative expression. Billed as "a report from the front lines of the real culture wars". Scott JonesRoom: Piedmont | (Hacking 201 continued...) | (Convention Closed) |