"The Electronic Frontier": Where technology, politics, and online culture meet.
Thurday, June 29, 2000 - Sunday, July 2, 2000
Director: Scott Jones (scott@aprr.org)
Last updated Saturday, July 22, 2000. Thanks to everyone who contributed or came out to the panels. RealAudio, MP3's, and pictures of most panels are available here.
All content Copyright 2000 DragonCon Science Fiction Convention. Copying allowed for personal, non-commercial use. Please mention DragonCon and link to www.dragoncon.org when mirroring this content, and maintain this copyright notice.
Pictures: Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
Click here to return to audio selections
Fighting Spam Panel:
Fighting Spam Panel #2 (first panel of the morning):
Minors and Hacking Panel:
Minors and Hacking Panel #2:
Creatures in the Hall:
Web Cam Technical Panel:
Web Cam Technical Panel:
Chivalry on the Ballroom Floor:
Why Hacking NASA is a really stupid idea:
Spam, MAPS, and Net Abuse:
E-books and e-piracy panel:
E-books prompted some intense debate:
Cheshire and Robert scheme for next year:
Are they Power Rangers?:
Hacking 201:
Hacking 201 #2:
Hacking 201 audience:
Hacking 201 audience #2: