Pretty Good Privacy - Digital Signature Software

What is PGP?

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) by Philip R. Zimmermann is the de-facto standard software for the encryption of Electronic Mail. It is available for many Operating Systems. PGP is also the most popular of all Digital Signature systems. PGP is also free. Check out some of these links to find the correct and suitable version for you. You can also find some links to introduction pages here, if you should not be familiar with that topic yet.

Where can I get it?

The INTERNATIONAL PGP Home Page by Ståle Schumacher is one of the main sources for PGP on the net. Get your copy of an International PGP version right there.

US residents have to get the US Version of PGP. The main source on the net is the PGP distribution page of MIT. Some US residents have experienced problems in getting permission by the MIT server to download the software. In this case you can use a Non-US site which offers the US Versions. But the basic rule always is: The US Versions for the north american residents, and the International Versions for the rest of the world (where encryption is allowed).

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